
How Much Of A Pay Increases Is Sptbg County Employes Getting Starting Jan 2021

Spartanburg County Council members voted themselves a pay raise Monday night -- saying it is the first raise in 30 years.

In 1990, the salary for council members was set at $12,500. The new salary will be $23,500 for the chairman, and $19,500 for all other council members.

"If $12,500 was the correct salary in 1990, it is obviously not the correct number 30 years later," said Council Chairman Manning Lynch, who proposed the increase.

Spartanburg County Council members voted 5-1 Monday to give themselves a raise for the first time in 30 years. From left are Whitney Farr; Bob Walker, who voted no; chairman Manning Lynch; David Britt; Michael Brown and Jack Mabry.

Lynch said the money to pay for the raises will come from contingency funds in the budget – "some money from designated for professional that will not be spent, and some funds set aside for each council member of which we have historically spent very little.

"In all cases, we are not exhausting the funds available," Lynch added.

Council voted 5-1 to pass the raises, in a second reading of the ordinance. The ordinance takes effect on approval of the third reading, expected next month.

The raises will take effect in January when two new members, Justin McCorkle and Monier Abusaft, are sworn in.

Voting in favor were Whitney Farr, Lynch, David Britt, Michael Brown and Jack Mabry.

Spartanburg County Council members voted Monday to give themselves a raise for the first time in 30 years. Councilman Bob Walker, right, said he voted against the raises because he doesn't believe elected officials should vote themselves raises. Also pictured is Councilman Whitney Farr, left, who voted for the raises.

Councilman Bob Walker said although he believes council members should be paid more, he voted no because he doesn't believe elected officials should vote themselves raises.

"I'm not against other councilmen, I'm looking at what Bob Walker needs to do," said Walker, a former state House member for 16 years. "If I'm up for re-election, they know where I stand.

"I've been in politics a number of years," he added. "I ran for this position knowing what the salary was. I think I do more constituent work as a county councilman than I did as a state-elected official. I think councilmen deserve more right now."

The increases are part of a revised ordinance that also addresses mileage reimbursement, expenses, and documentation required.

The ordinance also requires that salaries be adjusted upward each year to reflect cost of living.

Spartanburg County Council members voted Monday to give themselves a raise for the first time in 30 years. Chairman Manning Lynch, center, said the new rates put the county in line with counties of similar size. Also pictured are council members Bob Walker, left, who voted against the increase; and David Britt, right, who voted in favor.

Lynch said the salary numbers were based on how much the cost of living has increased since 1990.

"If you look at where we would be adjusted for inflation, the proposed salary is at the 2013 level," he said.

He also said Spartanburg County is the fifth largest county in South Carolina with an estimated 319,785 residents, but there are 22 counties with council salaries higher than Spartanburg's.

"Our proposed salary puts us right in the middle of the eight largest counties in the state -- higher than some, lower than some, and $10,000 less than our neighboring Greenville County, which has a much larger population but a much larger council," Lynch said.

According to a South Carolina Association of Counties 2020 salary survey, Greenville County council members -- representing the most populous county in the state with 523,542 residents -- earn a salary of $29,633, and the chairman gets $35,560.

Charleston County, with 411,406 residents, pays $20,737 per council member. Lexington County pays $19,867; York County pays $17,867; and Richland County pays $17,777.

How Much Of A Pay Increases Is Sptbg County Employes Getting Starting Jan 2021


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