
Apple’s AR Glasses Could Offer Enhanced Privacy For The iPhone

According to the rumors, Apple is said to be working on a pair of AR spectacles. What the company plans on doing with these glasses is unclear, simply at present in a patent discovered by AppleInsider, it seems that 1 of the potential uses for Apple's wearable headset could be enhanced privacy for iPhone users.

Right now, whenever your smartphone's screen is on, anyone looking directly at it can run into what you're doing. There are some screen protectors that are designed to reduce the angle of visibility, just the patent suggests that the AR glasses could offering up a much more elegant solution.

Basically what these glasses would do is that when worn by the user, it would overlay information from the iPhone into the spectacles themselves. This means that to everyone else, your iPhone or iPad's screen might not evidence annihilation or await like a regular screen, merely all personal information like maybe photos or messages would be hidden and only visible through the headset's lenses.

The patent besides describes how users will be able to continue to interact with their iPhones or iPads like normal by tapping the brandish and other UI elements, but to everyone else, they won't be able to run across it. We're not sure how well this will play out in existent life, but it sounds like a very interesting application and could potentially be 1 of the ways Apple could convince the public to beginning adopting wear headsets.

Filed in . Read more about Augmented Reality (AR), iPhone, Patent, Privacy, Social Hitting and Vesture Tech. Source: appleinsider


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