
How To Create A Bar Graph In Excel

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It'south easy to spruce upward data in Excel and get in easier to interpret past converting it to a bar graph. A bar graph is not only quick to run across and understand, but it's also more than engaging than a list of numbers. This wikiHow article will teach you how to make a bar graph of your data in Microsoft Excel.

  1. 1

    Open Microsoft Excel. It resembles a white "X" on a green groundwork.

    • A bare spreadsheet should open up automatically, simply you tin go to File > New > Blank if you need to.
    • If you want to create a graph from pre-existing information, instead double-click the Excel document that contains the data to open information technology and proceed to the next department.
  2. 2

    Add together labels for the graph'due south X- and Y-axes. To do so, click the A1 cell (X-axis) and type in a label, then do the same for the B1 cell (Y-axis).

    • For example, a graph measuring the temperature over a week's worth of days might accept "Days" in A1 and "Temperature" in B1.


  3. 3

    Enter information for the graph'due south Ten- and Y-axes. To do this, you'll type a number or discussion into the A or B column to employ it to the X- or Y- centrality, respectively.

    • For case, typing "Monday" into the A2 prison cell and "70" into the B2 field might evidence that it was 70 degrees on Monday.
  4. 4

    Cease entering your data. In one case your data entry is consummate, you're set to use the data to create a bar graph.


  1. 1

    Select all of your information. To do so, click the A1 cell, hold down Shift , and so click the lesser value in the B column. This volition select all of your data.

    • If your graph uses unlike column letters, numbers, and and so on, just remember to click the top-left cell in your data group then click the bottom-correct while holding Shift .
  2. two

    Click the Insert tab. It's in the editing ribbon, but right of the Home tab.

  3. 3

    Click the "Bar nautical chart" icon. This icon is in the "Charts" group beneath and to the correct of the Insert tab; information technology resembles a series of three vertical confined.

  4. 4

    Click a bar graph option. The templates available to you will vary depending on your operating system and whether or non you've purchased Excel, but some popular options include the following:

    • ii-D Column - Represents your data with unproblematic, vertical bars.
    • 3-D Column - Presents three-dimensional, vertical confined.
    • 2-D Bar - Presents a elementary graph with horizontal confined instead of vertical ones.
    • 3-D Bar - Presents three-dimensional, horizontal bars.
  5. 5

    Customize your graph's advent. Once yous decide on a graph format, you can use the "Design" section almost the top of the Excel window to select a different template, change the colors used, or change the graph type entirely.

    • The "Design" window simply appears when your graph is selected. To select your graph, click it.
    • Yous tin can too click the graph'southward title to select it and then type in a new title. The title is typically at the top of the graph's window.[one]


Sample Bar Graphs

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  • Question

    How can I alter the graph from horizontal to vertical?

    Community Answer

    'Bar Graph' is horizontal. 'Column Nautical chart' is the same but vertical, so utilise that instead.

  • Question

    How practise I move an Excel bar graph to a Word certificate?

    Community Answer

    You can re-create and paste the graph. Practise this the same way you'd re-create and paste regular text.

  • Question

    How do I arrange the bar graph width in Excel?

    Community Answer

    Click on the element yous want to adjust. For instance, if y'all want to suit the width of the bars, you would click on the bars. If that doesn't bring upwards options, try right clicking. Decreasing the gap width will brand the bars announced to widen. If y'all have more than i set of data (i.e. the price of 2 or more items over a given time span), you can besides adjust the serial overlap. If you're non satisfied with the automatic layout of the axes, yous tin can adjust these at your own peril.

  • Question

    How practice I title the graph?

    Community Answer

    Double click on it or look at the settings, usually they can be found on the correct hand side of the graph.

  • Question

    How tin I create a bar graph template that can be used over and over as a new graph past simply changing the data in the spreadsheet fields?

    Vasili Karalewich

    Vasili Karalewich

    Community Answer

    Make a bare table, then highlight the table and insert the graph. The graph will exist bare (all white), then just put in fake data to brand sure it works. And then, articulate the table and copy the certificate. Make a new copy of the spreadsheet every time yous need to utilise the template.

  • Question

    How can I copy and paste a graph?

    Community Answer

    If you lot want to copy from excel and paste to word, for instance, then right click on the graph and select 'copy' from the drop-down menu, and paste information technology into your word document.

  • Question

    How exercise I add together a source note at the bottom?

    Vasili Karalewich

    Vasili Karalewich

    Community Reply

    Just add a text box correct on height of the graph -- this will automatically group to the graph and so when you motility information technology, it moves with it.

  • Question

    How do I make Excel plot only i element?

    Community Answer

    Just highlight the information you want to make a graph for in your option. Then when you create your graph, just this data will be displayed.

  • Question

    How tin can I brand one graph using two separate tables?

    Community Answer

    Use the control push button to select the 2 sets of data - 10 first and Y after.

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  • Graphs can be copied so pasted into other Microsoft Function programs like Word or PowerPoint.

  • If your graph switched the x and y axes from your table, go to the "Design" tab and select "Switch Row/Cavalcade" to set up it.


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