
How To Increase Poonts In Civ 5

Poverty Bespeak
Map by Sukritact




Poverty Bespeak



Southern Cult (HR)





Religious Intolerance



Spiritual, Mercantile

Map Labels Language

Outset Americans

Magical Girl


Poverty Betoken led by Táhera is a custom civilization by Tomatekh,[1] with contributions from Sukritact, DJSHenninger, and JFD.

Tomatekh has posted two mutually exclusive builds of the civilization, each with slightly different abilities. Currently, the mod is merely bachelor equally a pre-release on Civfanatics, and uses placeholder fine art for the leader screen and icons.

The mod requires Brave New World. If using Tomatekh's Cradles of Civilization pack, the City-Country of Poverty Point is replaced with Ġgantija.


  • 1 Overview
    • i.1 Poverty Signal
    • ane.2 Táhera
      • 1.2.ane Dawn of Man
  • 2 Unique Attributes
    • 2.1 Build 1
    • 2.2 Build 2
  • 3 Strategy
  • four Events and Decisions
    • 4.1 Construct the Place of Rings
    • iv.2 Build ane
      • Hold the Feast for Fox and Owl
    • 4.iii Build two
      • Patronize the Táyuki Makers
  • 5 Mod Support
    • 5.ane Unique Cultural Influence
  • vi Full Credits List
  • seven Notes and References


Poverty Point

The Poverty Signal civilization, named after its type site in what is today northeastern Louisiana, refers to a pre-historic group of ethnic peoples who inhabited the area of the lower Mississippi Valley and surrounding Gulf coast from ca. 2200 to 700 BC. Reaching its peak around 1500 BC, Poverty Point represents i of the oldest complex cultures, and peradventure the first tribal civilization in the Mississippi Delta and in the nowadays-day United states of america. The culture is known to have traded extensively with surrounding areas, and for its circuitous of earthworks which (along with the older Watson Brake site) acted every bit a straight predecessor for the later mound building cultures of the southeastern Usa.


As a pre-Columbian society lacking writing, footling is direct known well-nigh Poverty Signal regime. However, archeological surveys have provided a wealth of information regarding daily life during the Archaic period and much tin can exist learned by studying leadership models and settlement patterns among subsequent mound builder cultures. "Táhera" does not refer to a specific individual but is rather a Tunica term pregnant "watchman" or "overseer;" residents of Poverty Point are thought to have spoken a class of proto-Tunica. Táhera is also linguistically related to "certepe," the Calusa title for paramount chief.

Dawn of Human

Apprehensive mother, blessed ancestor and leader of Poverty Point, your children come up to seek your wisdom and guidance. The most developed site of North America'south Archaic catamenia, Poverty Signal continued a tradition of earthworks commencement seen almost two millennia earlier at Watson Brake. Their great mounds and carved artifacts stand as testaments to the complexity and ingenuity of pre-Columbian America, and Poverty Point'south extensive advice and trade networks helped plant the mound building tradition throughout the Eastern U.s.. The rise of horticulture would ultimately usher in the Woodland Period and Poverty Betoken'southward refuse, merely it would exist centuries before the Mississippi basin would again see Poverty Betoken's level of complexity.

Táhera, your children have long since been forgotten and their groovy mounds ploughed into farmland. Yet, information technology is time to return, to once more raise the world, and ask the Old Man Above for his approving. Can y'all revive your aboriginal people? Can you build a civilization that volition stand the test of fourth dimension?

Introduction: "Greetings, traveler! I am Táhera, leader of Poverty Point. Have you come to trade goods or aid in the construction of the great mound?"

Introduction: "Sehi lapu and welcome! I am Táhera, chief of Poverty Point. Many visit these lands to trade and worship at the swell mound."

Defeat: "You have accomplished a great incorrect today. Many relied on us for merchandise and many more than will fail without our support."

Defeat: "To destroy our great mound... How could yous commit such an act? Practice you have no respect for this land?"

Unique Attributes

Build ane

Poverty Point (Táhera)

Place of Origins

Building an Effigy Mound allows you to change Spirit Guardians, each providing a unique bonus effect. Receive a costless Fox-Human when you notice Trapping (this Unit of measurement may not exist used to found a Religion or build a Holy Site).

Fox-Man (Peachy Prophet)
  • Bonus changes depending on your current Spirit Guardian

Art by Tomatekh

Effigy Mound
  • +i Gold.png Gold, +1 Production.png Production, +1 Science.png Science, +1 CultureIcon.png Culture, +1 FaithIcon.png Religion
  • +one Gold.png Gilded, +1 Production.png Production, +one Science.png Scientific discipline, +one CultureIcon.png Culture, +ane FaithIcon.png Faith after Astronomy
  • Built by Great People (consumes the Unit of measurement)
  • May only be Built once per Era
  • Cannot be Pillaged
Icon Guardian Bonus


Old Man Higher up Effigy Mounds provide double FaithIcon.png Organized religion. Religious Units are cheaper to purchase and may be born at lower FaithIcon.png Faith levels.

Fox-Men volition go on to be born fifty-fifty if all Religions have already been founded.


Kneeling Woman Cities with less than 5 Citizen.png Population gain an additional +1 Citizen.png Population whenever they abound.

Fox-Men may be expended to heal adjacent country Units.


Red Trick Receive an infantry Unit of measurement near your Capital.png Majuscule every fifteen turns. Peace with Barbarians.

Pull a fast one on-Men ameliorate the combat effectiveness of nearby land Units (this effect will stack with the Great General'southward Leadership bonus).


Long Tail Clearing a Barbarian Encampment provides bonus Science.png Scientific discipline toward a Technology known by a rival Civilization. Camps provide +2 Science.png Science.

Play a joke on-Men increase the experience earned past nearby country Units.


Stone Turtle Land trade routes originating from a City settled adjacent to a River take a 33% increase in range. Any City, regardless of owner, receiving such a trade route has +10% Production.png Production when constructing Buildings.

Fox-Men may exist expended to get together Resources.


Duck Human foot Land armed forces Units ignore terrain costs when moving along Rivers or Coastal tiles.

Fox-Men ameliorate the gainsay effectiveness of nearby naval Units (this effect will stack with the Great Admiral's Naval Leadership bonus), and may embark with additional Motion.


Beaded Locust Culture Specialists generate an additional +1 Greatperson.png Great Person Signal of the appropriate type and Slap-up Works provide an additional +1 CultureIcon.png Culture.

Fob-Men may be re-rolled into another random Great Person type.


Potbellied Owl Civilian Units, excluding Not bad People, have additional Sight and will retreat to your nearest City instead of being captured.

Play a trick on-Men increase the Improvement construction speed of nearby Workers.


Horned Ophidian The empire enters a Goldenage.png Golden Historic period. All rival Civilizations enter Anarchy.

Fob-Men may exist expended to cause Resistance in a rival Civilization'southward Cities.

Build ii

Poverty Signal (Táhera)

The Adoption of Humanity

Choose a Spirit Guardian whenever you enter a new era. Spirit Guardians provide a unique bonus effect for the elapsing of their era.

Támali (Slap-up Prophet)
  • Bonus changes depending on your current Spirit Guardian
Hálimúra (Granary)
  • +1 Food.png Food, +ane FaithIcon.png Faith on Army camp based Resources (instead of +1 Food.png Food on Wheat, Bananas, Deer)
  • Boosted bonus changes depending on your current Spirit Guardian (instead of +2 Food.png Food)
  • Available at Trapping instead of Pottery
  • +25% Production.png Production cost
Icon Guardian Bonus


Sun Permanently receive a Merchant Specialist in your Capital.png Majuscule. Specialists consume merely half the normal amount of Food.png Food.

Támali may be expended to increment Greatperson.png Swell People progress in your Cities.

Hálimúrari provide +15% Greatperson.png Great People generation


Moon A "We Honey the King Day" is triggered in your Capital.png Capital. Each source of Wheat, Bananas, and Citrus provide +1 Food.png Food +1 CultureIcon.png Civilization.

Támali may be expended to increase the Citizen.png Population of your Cities.

Hálimúrari provide +3 Food.png Food.


Wind A Lookout man appears near your Capital.png Capital and Naval Units gain +1 Moves.png Movement. Camps provide +2 Science.png Scientific discipline.

Támali may be expended to provide bonus Science.png Scientific discipline.

Hálimúrari provide +10% Science.png Science.


Rainbow The empire enters a Goldenage.png Gilded Age. -10% Unhappiness.png Unhappiness from Citizens in non-occupied Cities.

Támali may be expended to initiate a Goldenage.png Golden Age.

Hálimúrari provide +ii Happy.png Happiness.


Thunder All current military Units level five and under accomplish their next promotion level. Garrisoned Cities have +25% Ranged Combat Forcefulness.

Támali may be expended may be expended to provide XP to all adjacent Units.

Hálimúrari provide +viii Strength.png City Defense.


Burn A Worker appears nearly your Capital.png Uppercase and Tile Improvement structure speed is increased past 20%. Quarries provide +2 Production.png Production.

Támali may be expended to hurry Production.png Production in a nearby City.

Hálimúrari provide +10% Production.png Production.


Water A Trade Unit of measurement appears well-nigh your Capital.png Capital. River Tiles provide +ane Gold.png Gold.

Támali may exist expended to perform a trade mission.

Hálimúrari extend Trade Route length by +25%.


Old Human A Religious Building is constructed in your Capital.png Uppercase. Cities generate +25% religious pressure.

Támali may be expended to convert an empire's Cities to the Támali's Religion.

Hálimúrari provide +4 FaithIcon.png Organized religion.

City List
  1. Poverty Bespeak
  2. Jaketown
  3. Claiborne
  4. Beau Rivage
  5. Watson Brake
  6. Caney Island
  7. Copes
  8. Teoc Creek
  9. Panther Lake
  10. Elmwood
  11. Black Pond
  12. Bayou Jasmine
  13. Rabbit Isle
  14. Shoe Bayou
  15. Ruth Canal
  16. Paxton Brake
  17. Monte Sano
  18. Cold Lake
  19. Catahoula
  20. Insley
  21. Blue Lake
  22. Rose Mound
  23. Roscoe Burns
  24. Galloway
  25. Sky Lake
  26. Hedgepeth
  27. Granny Crowe
  28. Frenchman's Bend
  29. Tchefuncte
  30. Banana Bayou
  31. Arledge
  32. Ray Restriction
  33. Isola
  34. Cow Bayou
  35. Mott
Spy Listing
  • Hálitáheri
  • Nini
  • Nokushi
  • Rushiya
  • Oshkameli
  • Háhchu
  • Pehasa
  • Kowatohku
  • Lápuyámu




Poverty Point is a versatile civilization, assuasive you to option and choose its unique bonuses throughout the game to all-time arrange the situation. Although not specifically a faith orientated civ, you should pay special attending to organized religion generation to ensure a steady supply of their unique Smashing Prophet whose bonuses modify according to your current Spirit Guardian. Remember, you can also capture strange Not bad Prophets proselytizing your territory.

Build i of the mod centers on the unique Effigy Mound improvement. Its high yields provide a core base to ground the civ'south versatility. Keep in heed that edifice the improvement requires consuming a Keen Person. Great Generals are the go-to option due to their unique generation method and their abilities being less impactful than the Engineer'due south or Scientist's. You are, nevertheless, not forced to change Spirit Guardians. Yous can choose to proceed the aforementioned Guardian for multiple eras or the entire game. However, the trade-off in doing then is beingness able to build less Figure Mounds to fuel your cities. Using the free Fox-Homo at Trapping to immediately choose a Guardian is tempting. If possible, consider trying to generate some other Neat Person (or utilise the Great Full general from the Warrior Code policy). That way, you'll exist able to use the Fox-Man's bonus abilities immediately (several of the Guardians also don't crave consuming the Fox-Human being and instead give him passive auras, such every bit increasing the improvement construction speed of nearby workers). On harder difficulties, brand use of the Old Man Above Guardian to spawn Fob-Men even if you are unable to found a religion.

Build two of the mod centers on modify. Unlike in the first build, you lot are forced to change Guardians every era. However, the Guardian'due south abilities are also slightly stronger overall. Make certain to both react to the situation at manus and plan alee, so that y'all are not locked out of a Guardian yous may want to utilize later on. Each Guardian has a very strong focus, commonly on ane of the cadre yields. Many of the Támali abilities also mimic the abilities of the other Smashing People, allowing y'all to focus more solely on organized religion throughout the game. Unique to the 2nd build is its unique building, the Hálimúra. It is slightly more awkward to establish in your cities early game when compared to the standard Granary. However, similar to the Támali, information technology provides a potent unique bonus which changes according to your current Spirit Guardian.

Events and Decisions

Modern Support

Cities in Development


Civ IV Traits


Community Balance Patch


Cultural Diversity


Enlightenment Era


Ethnic Units


Events and Decisions




Historical Religions


Map Labels




Rise to Ability


Unique Cultural Influence


Wish for the World




Construct the Place of Rings

Our population is growing and we should raise new mounds to construct additional hálimúrari. Our priests urge us to build the mounds with their arcs confronting the west to help protect us from malevolent spirits.




  • All neutral country tiles located 3 tiles away from your Cities will be claimed by your Civilization

Note: The Gold.png Gold cost increases based on your total number of Cities.

Build i

Hold the Feast for Fox and Owl

Our hunters accept returned with large quantities of deer and catfish in preparation for the coming solstice. Let us brand set up a great feast in celebration of the passing twelvemonth as our warriors don the ceremonial owl headdress and our priests give thanks to the Quondam Man Above.


  • Thespian must be Poverty Point
  • Must have at to the lowest degree i Fox-Homo
  • Must have built at least 2 Effigy Mounds
  • One of your Cities must be jubilant a 'We Beloved the Rex Day'
  • May only exist enacted once per game



Build 2

Patronize the Táyuki Makers

Our citizens have begun to carve minor objects out of silt. These objects serve a multitude of uses from recreation, to cooking, to worship. Nosotros should promote our artists and encourage this newfound tradition.


  • Actor must exist Poverty Indicate
  • Must have researched Pottery
  • Must have constructed 2 Hálimúrari
  • Must have an available Keen Work of Art or Antiquity slot
  • May only be enacted once per game



  • +1 Food.png Nutrient from Hálimúrari
  • Receive a free Great Artifact (Poverty Bespeak Object)

Mod Support

Unique Cultural Influence

"My people are now building their homes on peak of giant earthworks and carving small potbellied owls. I worry the rest of the globe will presently succumb to your culture."

Total Credits List

Civfanatics Build 1
Latest Version: BNW 5. 24
Last Updated: 3 January 2022
Civfanatics Build 2
Latest Version: BNW 5. one
Last Updated: iii Jan 2022

  • Sukritact: Map and icon rendering
  • DJSHenninger: Unit of measurement and Comeback conversion (from Bakuel'south Civ Iv Native American Great Prophet and Hrochland'south Civ 4 Serpent Mound)
  • JFD: Popup and interface lua
  • Reedstilt: Design input
  • Tomatekh: All code and fine art otherwise not listed

Notes and References

  1. Tomatekh's Civilizations
Tomatekh'south Civilizations

BNW or G&K

Benin • Garamantes • Goths • Hittites • Kievan Rus' • Mali • Sumer • Timurids

BNW Only

Caral • Champa • Harappa • Kuikuro • Mississippi • Poverty Signal • Shang • Sioux • Xia


Olmec • Kilwa • Kongo

How To Increase Poonts In Civ 5,


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